Samba 4.x.x全版本存在命令执行漏洞

  Samba 4.0.0到4.1.10版本的nmbd(the NetBIOS name services daemon)被发现存在远程命令执行漏洞。CVE编号为CVE-2014-3560。目前官方已经发布最新的补丁。



  == Subject:     Remote code execution in nmbd


  == CVE ID#:     CVE-2014-3560


  == Versions:    Samba 4.0.0 to 4.1.10


  == Summary:     Samba 4.0.0 to 4.1.10 are affected by a

  ==              remote code execution attack on

  ==unauthenticated nmbd NetBIOS name services.






  All current versions of Samba 4.x.x are vulnerable to a remote code

  execution vulnerability in the nmbd NetBIOS name services daemon.

  A malicious browser can send packets that may overwrite the heap of

  the target nmbd NetBIOS name services daemon. It may be possible to

  use this to generate a remote code execution vulnerability as the

  superuser (root).


  Samba,是种用来让UNIX系列的操作系统与微软Windows操作系统的SMB/CIFS(Server Message Block/Common Internet File System)网络协议做链接的自由软件。第三版不仅可访问及分享SMB的文件夹及打印机,本身还可以集成入Windows Server的域名,扮演为域名控制站(Domain Controller)以及加入Active Directory成员。简而言之,此软件在Windows与UNIX系列OS之间搭起一座桥梁,让两者的资源可互通有无。


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